varrukaankrud, kahepoolsed või täiskeevitatud aaskruvid/aaspoldid
professionaalne tehniline meeskond,täiustatud masinad ja seadmed, et pakkuda kvaliteetseid tooteid ja konkurentsivõimelisi hindu. A wide range of products, to provide a variety of shapes, sizes and materials of products, including
Õppige rohkemScrew is one of the common fasteners, and there are many types of screws, including drill tail screws and self tapping screws. The tail of the drill tail screw is in the shape of a drill tail or pointed tail, and does not require auxiliary processing. Seda saab otse puurida, koputada ja lukustada kinnitusmaterjalile ja vundamendimaterjalile, säästes oluliselt ehitusaega. Võrreldes tavaliste kruvidega on sellel kõrge tõmbe- ja hoidmisjõud ning see ei lähe lahti isegi pärast pikka kombineerimist. Ohutu puurimise ja koputamise kasutamine on lihtne, et toiming ühe korraga lõpule viia. Especially in the integration of construction, architecture, residential and other places, self tapping and self drilling screws are the best economical fasteners in te...
Kinnitusdetailide tööstuses ulatub seibide roll palju kaugemale ainsast funktsioonist, milleks on pistikute pinna kaitsmine mutrite põhjustatud kriimustuste eest. Tihendeid on erinevat tüüpi, sealhulgas tasapinnalised tihendid, vedrutihendid, lõdvenemisvastased tihendid ja eriotstarbelised tihendid, näiteks tihendustihendid. Igal tihenditüübil on selle konkreetse rakenduse stsenaariumi korral hädavajalik roll. Esiteks, keermestatud ühenduste tugipinnana ei saa tihendit kandevõimet eirata. In practical applications, due to excessive positional tolerance or hole size issues, sometimes the supporting surface of bolts or nuts cannot fully cover the holes on the connect...
Anchor, seemingly ordinary building accessories, actually play an indispensable role in modern architecture and daily life. They have become a bridge connecting stability and safety with their unique fixing mechanism and wide application fields. Ankrud, nagu nimigi ütleb, saavutavad paisumisel tekkiva hõõrdejõu kaudu tugeva fikseeriva efekti. Their working principle is simple and efficient, that is, after the screw is inserted into the preset hole, the metal sleeve of the screw will expand and tightly fit the hole wall, thereby firmly fixing the bracket, equipment or other heavy objects. Arhitektuuri valdkonnas on ankrute rakendamine peaaegu üldlevinud, alates suurte mehhanismide stabiilsest paigaldamisest...
Tööstuslikus tootmises on kahte tüüpi pinnatöötlust: füüsikaline töötlemisprotsess ja keemiline töötlemisprotsess. Roostevabast terasest pinna mustaks muutmine on keemilises töötlemises sageli kasutatav protsess. Principle: By chemical treatment, a layer of oxide film is generated on the metal surface, and the surface treatment is achieved through the oxide film. The principle used in this surface treatment process is to create an oxide film on the metal surface under the action of corresponding equipment, which can isolate the metal from direct contact with the external environment. Levinud meetodid roostevaba terase mustamiseks on järgmised: 1. kategooria: happevärvimise meetod (1) suladikromaadi meetod. Sukeldage plekki ...
In the field of engineering, flange bolts are the core components of connectors, and their design characteristics directly determine the stability, sealing, and overall system efficiency of the connection. Hammaste ja hammasteta äärikupoltide erinevus ja kasutusstsenaariumid. Toothed flange bolt The significant feature of toothed flange bolts is the serrated protrusion at the bottom, which greatly enhances the fit between the bolt and nut, effectively preventing loosening problems caused by vibration or long-term operation. This characteristic makes toothed flange bolts an ideal choice for high load and high vibration environments, such as heavy machinery equipment, automotive power systems, precision electronic equipment, etc. In these applications, the stability ...